Thursday, August 10, 2006

Week 37 - Perspective

I thought I might give you a bit of perspective into how much your body changes when you are pregnant. It is an amazing transformation and an incredible process, but is also a crazy wild ride! I have gained about 30 pounds thus far and my doctor seems quite pleased with that. I, on the other hand, am beginning to have a difficult time looking at myself in the mirror. I think my belly is beautiful - big and round and shiny because my skin is so tight, but it is when I look at my buns and my legs that I feel like a stuffed pig on a rotating spit. That's cowboy speak for really really fat! My husband says I still look beautiful to him and I think that is the only thing keeping me somewhat sane when it comes to body image. If he can still love me then I can still love me I guess! :)

The excitement keeps building and the anticipation of our arrival is becoming nearly unbearable. I just can't wait to cuddle up to our son or daughter. I am looking so forward to simply seeing our baby for the first time! It will be incredible!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Week 36 - What is up with my feet

The doctor calls it Edema, I call it a bad case of ELEPHANT FEET! I guess it is pretty common amoung pregnant people, but I sure have not seen signs of it in the maternity magazines - do they airbrush those models too?

We, my husband and I, are desparately trying to get Baby K's nursery in order and since we only have 4 weeks the pressure is on. We had our first baby shower last week hosted by my Mother and it is so humbling to have so many people excited about the birth of your child. We are beginning to feel a little bit more prepared, but I feel parenting is basically an ongoing learning experience. Once we get the diapers and feedings and such in order then the baby learns to walk and you have a whole new set of rules to play by! I am really looking forward to it all. I have wanted a baby for so long and having found the right man; I scooped him up, married him and am having our first child in a matter of about 1 year...poor guy (married in Sept. and found out about our bundle in December)! Life comes at you fast, for everything else there is MasterCard...ha ha!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Week 35 - Ready to POP

Well I am officially ready to pop! I feel like my belly drags on the ground in between my waddling legs! Everyone tells me that I am small, but I feel like a blimp at times, especially when the heat index is something like 105 degrees! I really have loved being pregnant, but I do believe the time has come to meet my little bundle. I am ready! Well ready to hug and kiss my baby, not exactly ready for something 7 to 9 pounds to explode out of me! Women have done it for hundreds of years and I can too, I repeat to myself about 10 times a day. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

More to come!