Well after many tears, a lot of stress and worry and my hormone levels at peak proportions - we FINALLY had our perfect little bundle! This is how it went...
The days kept clicking by and I began to realize that this VBAC was just not happening. Two weeks past the first scheduled cesarean and I was beginning to look like a blimp. I have to say we gave it our all and I do feel so much better for that, but it just was not happening the old fashioned way! That is not to say that good ole Mother Nature wasn't still playing her tricks on me with the contractions here and there and the getting ready to go to the hospital in the middle of the night only to shower and feel totally fine again. Oh I walked, I nearly ran, I ate spicy food, drank raspberry tea, I even soaked my feet in warm water. I tried EVERYTHING, but it just was not happening. So the 6th of August came around and I knew it was going to be another c-section. So on the 7th, Fraser and I headed to the hospital. We arrived at 8AM and things began to happen so quickly. People coming and going, poking needles in, taking blood, sign here, empty your bladder, put this on - take that off, wash your face and by the way, you are having contractions you know! Figures...damn you Mother Nature...you pretty much suck! LOL! Just kidding, it was actually funny at that point. Mine and Fraser's parents arrived. They were ready to take us early, 9:30AM. Everyone guesses how much the baby will weigh - my Dr. said 8 lbs. 6 oz., nurses say 7 lbs. something and I say 9 lbs. They all laugh at me. So Fraser suits up - surgical mask and all and off I go to get prepped. I felt like I was at home in some respects, you see I had nearly the exact same team from my first section. Same Dr., same nurse, Dr's assistant, same baby Dr...it was VERY comforting. God finds ways to make things OK. I was nervous, but not as much. I had a qualified team who delivered my gorgeous baby girl and now that same team for my 2nd child. They bring Fraser in; I am already in the crucifix position (arms strapped down), oxygen on and numb from my breasts down. Then they start and everyone is just having like water cooler chat, we're all joking and talking like this was just a simple broken arms or something. Things got quiet though when they are ready to remove the baby. He says ok now some tugging and I know that means I will be jerked around so that did not freak me out as much as it did last time. The anaesthesiologist took a photo of the head out and showed me - totally fascinating! Then Dr. Teter says ok we're going to take the baby out now, you'll feel "the fall". Ok well the fall with Vivian was like dropping a pebble and this was like an avalanche! I felt like my whole body just fell through the operating table. It scared me a lot and Fraser just held on to me and told me it was ok and that the baby was out...then they say it's a BOY! A boy! I just could not believe I had a boy! I saw him and heard him for the first time. He was gorgeous, Perfect and had a good set of lungs on him! What a miracle! All the other stuff meant absolutely NOTHING now! I have a healthy baby boy! They had to put me back together again and it took much longer this time because...(get this)...I actually got a miniature tummy tuck. Well not really, but they do take away the old incision so that is like a what 1/4 in. tummy tuck in my mind! Ha ha!
Arthur Logan Kirkpatrick
9lbs. 4 oz., looks like Mommy was right eh!
21 1/2 in.
Ten beautiful finger and ten sweet lil' toes
They were doing all the tests of our son Logan and we had to look from afar. I got really upset because he was crying and all the dr's had their backs turned doing paperwork, I was crying and begging someone to be with him and finally the anaesthesiologist went over and rubbed his wee feet! My boy! I have a boy! It still fills my eyes with tears. They reunited us as a family and gave Logan to Fraser and we just cried and cried. I finally got to hold him as they wheeled me away. It took forever to get me stable enough to have the grandparents in, my temp had dropped considerably and they had to wrap me in the odd heated air blanket thing. Anyway, they finally all came in and I was holding Logan and said..."It's a boy!" and well you can see their reaction above! Pure joy from everyone. Even Vivian was excited to meet him. Advice: don't marry the idea of a certain type of birth. At the end of the day...you were all right...I have my healthy baby boy and life is so GOOD! I love this wee guy, he is such a sweet baby, he smells just like Fraser and he is ALL mine! God is good!