And by the ladies I mean the girls! Oh yes, one of the best parts of pregnancy for me. You see, well um, I am one of the less fortunate girls with small boobs (and after breastfeeding Vivian - basically nonexistant boobs). I thought I was being robbed out of the veloptuious rack this time around since really that was the first thing to change my first pregnancy, but whatever order it comes is fine with me, I just enjoy having them. I remember when they got so large my first pregnancy that they actually touched...I mean skin to skin. Now this to some of you is a regular occurrance, but to gals like me who's boobs prefer opposite ends of the spectrum, well it is a bit of a shock. I actually jumped up out of my chair at work thinking a bug had gone down my shirt...I am not kidding here I swear! AND they move when I walk. I've got jiggle now haha...and I like it! I actaully told Fraser I was just going to pump for the rest of my life so I can keep them...ha ha! So anyway the nausea is subsiding and the boobs have arrived, life is good. By the way, I decided this was more of a Mommy thing, not really a log for Baby K #2, I will book journal like I did with Vivian - you know so the poor child does not have to someday read about my boob obsession. As you can see from the first picture, I am starting to show a lot more. I love the way a pregnant body looks, even if it is mine that is transforming. It is such a natural and beautiful thing. Your body changes so much during pregnancy, not just on the outside. Your organs actually shift and move to make room for your growing child. It is really fascinating and such a miracle. Loving your body at the end of pregnancy is a whole other thing, but this time, your 2nd trimester, is so wonderfully exciting. At the end you just feel a bit uncomfortable, like a pumpkin on ice skates carrying 6 milkshakes on a tray that holds 4. Even though your body goes through this huge transformation you ARE still gorgeous, to the one that choose you to be his wife, to the ones who love you and sometimes to other women like me who just marvel in the blessings that we women get to share. We certainly have to endure a lot, but we get to experience this most prescious gift - Life! I feel the baby move about once or twice a day, it still feels like an eyelash kiss and usually happens when I am curled up on the couch with nausea or when I am in bed reading a page or two of The Great Gatsby ( I don't know if I will ever finish it at this pace). Fraser is still being a huge support. Tonight I was doing the washing up after dinner (it has been many weeks since I have done this) and Fraser kept insisting I sit down. I said take advantage of it while you can since we never know when I will be well or not in the evening. Then I smelled the broiling pan from the sirloin we had for dinner...ughhh straight to the couch! Fraser is such a wonderful Father and husband, I mean every girl should be this lucky! He has been training for our trip to Scotland, you see he and his brother will cycle the West Highland Way. It is 90 miles which may not seem so tough until you realize it is through the mountains and the weather will most likely be cold/rainy/misty/grey. Let's hope they have great weather and don't injure themselves. We head to Scotland in April and I am NOT looking forward to the journey as I will be 5+ months pregnant, but I am REALLY looking forward to seeing everyone. Vivian is her normal mischievious self. She likes to be the center of attention and if she is sensing that our attention may be toward one another or on something else she fake cries! I say fake because if we laugh she starts busting out with her very own belly laugh and throws her head back for added drama! When we go out she says hello to EVERYONE. Sometimes Fraser and I have to meet at the Studio where I teach Pilates to change hands and she goes around to all the clients talking her jibberish and making everyone smile, she is a charmer. She is learning her colors and numbers and keeps us laughing all the time. Baby K#2 is about the size of a lemon, according to babycenter.com. The babies face muscles are beginning to need a workout, so the baby squints, grimaces, frowns and is learning how to express him or her self. They say the baby may be grasping for things and sucking his/her thumb. Funny to think this little lemon is doing all that. I mean a lemon, come on! So it seems like the tunnel of nausea is coming close to an end and the baby is growing like crazy, my husband is awesome and my little Vivian is my dreams come to life...oh and the girls have arrived...isn't life grand!!!
1 comment:
Well, well, well.... Not necessarily the kind of thing a brother wants to read about. At least not about his prego sister... I love you and I am very excited about your expanding wasit line a family. You are a great Mom!! Give my love to the family. Looking forward to seeing you soon!!
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