Here I am at the 12 week mark, you know the time when everyone says the nausea will end. The magic moment when all is good in the pregnancy, you feel more energetic, less nauseas and you begin to have that pregnancy glow. Uh hummm....well my baby and my body don't seem to realize that we have met our 12 week point now and its time to move on to the fa la laa laaa fun pregnancy bit. Really I should not complain because the ALL day nausea is now gone...phew. Now I just have low level nausea during the day (sometimes not at all) and then get hit hard in the evenings. And I mean REALLY hard. Most nights I just curl up on the couch, not enough energy to even get my buns up the stairs to my bed. I have tried the craziest things to help subside the nausea. So for future reference to those of you wanting to have a family, let me tell you the things I tried. Everyone is different of course and what worked for me may make you run to the "Living Room" (remember this is the bathroom for you non-preggers gals, but it begins to feel like the living room after a few weeks of nausea - trust me)! So I tried saltine crackers and that made it worse. Halls Citrus cough drops worked one night and made me terribly sick the next - so sick I could not try it again. Bomb Pop Popsicles - these actually would give me about 5 minutes of relief and when your sick every minute of everyday - 5 minutes is 5 minutes. Ravioli was the only thing I could keep down or think of eating in the beginning - sick I know. Citrus (oranges) - uh not for me. I tried everything - oh lemonade/Koolaid - that actually worked. I know why as well. You see when your first pregnant your hormones double EACH day making you feel unwell! This in turn lowers your blood sugar and that makes you feel even more nauseated, so you see why sugary drinks and Popsicles would make you feel a little better. It is just your body becoming acclimated to being pregnant. Because I lost 6 pounds in the first month of pregnancy (I pretty much ate nothing), my doctor was less than happy with me at the next appointment when I still had not gained weight. He called in a prescription for me, Ondansetron - generic for Zofran which is what they give patients undergoing chemotherapy. So again these crazy nightmares and thoughts of me taking this medication and causing severe damage to my baby kept them on the shelf in our linen closet. I mean do I really want to take the chance of causing damage to my unborn babies heart or something. I kept seeing those class actions suits on the TV saying if you took such and such while you were pregnant and your baby has severe respiratory problems call this law firm. So I sucked it up - like all the other women before me. I still haven't gained weight yet and have been told I had better start eating lots of chocolate or something as I had one month to gain a few pounds and then I would HAVE to take the medicine. OK OK...I'll force down some chocolate cake if I have too, but it will have to be in the morning as that is the only time I feel good! Ha ha! So since the subject of the post is about being sick I thought I would brighten it up with a few photos of our little Vivian and a creative beach photo from our trip to Florida for Christmas. The snow photo was taken just a few days before we left, I do feel like the sun did help my nausea a little bit. I will also tell you a sweet story. When Vivian went with me to the doctor they did a quick ultrasound to find the babies heartbeat. Viv was on the lower part of my ribcage because she never wants anything to pass her by - she is quite inquisitive. As soon as the image of the baby came up she said baby. When given the little print out, she pointed and said picture. She kisses my belly all the time saying baby. It is kind of wild as we never really talked about it being a baby and so forth - I guess it is obvious she is a genius. Ha ha! Well, I love you all and I do see light at the end of the tunnel - I just wish I could drive a bit faster! ;)
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