Oh yea, 37 weeks or carrying a 6 pound melon that just happens to be about 18 inches long. Funny how babycenter.com always gives an edible visual to demonstrate the babies growth. I think I will just refer to our baby as our baby now. Strange how your body grows this little poppy seed and works all these weeks to build a large melon, but its beginning to get me down thinking of my precious wee lamb as a melon!
Hmmm...what shall I talk about this time. Well I will tell you that having a baby whose head is down is MUCH different than carrying a baby breech position. I had a friend that was pregnant when I was the first time around and I will tell you that I know she must have cursed me repeatedly. I was so energetic and happy, I seriously did not change one single thing in my life until they put me on bed rest. I never felt the baby's head pushing so hard on my pubic bones that you swear it is going to just fall out. I never felt like I had to walk with my feet several feet apart or waddle so much that you feel like a brisk wind could knock you right over. I never felt the low back pain. I never felt the baby's head turn from side to side - now that feels a bit gross I will admit! Anyway, she handled all this in stride I must admit, but I never knew what she was going through until now. All you other women that carried your babies full term in proper position, a huge pat on your back. I never realized how much easier it was to carry a breech baby. Now that said, I had to have a c-section because of that and the preeclampsia, but the whole pregnancy thing - yea new ballgame! So I do waddle, I feel like I am carrying a bowling ball between my legs, I feel like I need to strap a catchers mitt to my uh hum and my tailbone at this point could just be removed for all I care! All that said, I am enjoying my pregnancy, I am just marveling at the differences! The other thing I need to be frank about. The pee test. OK so you have to "give a sample" every time you go to the doctor. Give a sample means peeing in a little plastic cup. No trouble at the beginning of pregnancy when you have total knowledge of where everything is placed AND you can see down there to...well, direct if you will. But you see, everything shifts a bit when your pregnant and what was once there is now not or has moved to a new place for all I know, anyway, it's different than it used to be. That and you can't see down there, so inevitably you (you know where I am going) pee on your hand. You can't see to direct, hell you can't see down there when your standing let alone when your sitting. Your once fully filled plastic cup is replaced with a cup that has a trace of liquid and a fully drenched hand. Ok ok, it happens. BUT I will say it makes it a bit harder when you have a very inquisitive toddler in the bathroom too - who looks at your trace of urine and says she wants a drink. You with pee hand and still trying to hover over the toilet because of germs, have to redirect your child verbally, quickly wipe the hand, place the cup high enough so thirsty child does not drink it, put clothes over VERY large belly, flush and try to open the door without using said pee hand, while holding "sample" and placing into proper location for someone to test for sugar and protein levels! Ughhh! So seriously keep this in mind when your at the OBGYN and wash hands with warm water - haha...you never know, the lady before you could have thirsty twins!
What else? The baby LOVES my right side and just likes to bunch all up and hang out over there. It is funny to look at as the left side goes nearly flat and the right is as hard as a rock. It is not as funny to feel, but the baby seems to enjoy it so hey who am I to try to change its mind! Soon we'll know if its a boy or a girl. I have been dreaming these odd dreams and wonder if they are some sort of sign. The first one was me counting 23 blue rubber duckies. That was the whole dream, once I got to 23 I woke up. The other one I have nearly every night. I dream that I am flicking through the calendar and the 23rd of each month is bold. My dreams are always blue, even if it has nothing to do with a baby: blue sidewalks, blue water, blue rooms and floors, just blue. So I keep thinking I am having a boy on the 23rd, I guess we'll all just have to wait and see. I think my Mom for a while was convinced that I knew what we were having and I swear I don't, though I DID try to convince the doctor that it would be our secret if he told me and he wouldn't. Love that guy, he knows deep down I want the surprise. Did I tell you about Dr. Teter, he is awesome! I really trust him and that is a great feeling when it comes to the birth of your child! He and the pediatrician are top notch guys! We're very blessed to have such competent people in our lives!
So I had better get off to bed, sleep is hard to come by these days as it is becoming more and more difficult to find a comfortable position. I know I sound like I am complaining and maybe I am a wee bit, but I LOVE being pregnant. I LOVE my wonderful husband and gorgeous daughter and I LOVE my little melon too! I am getting so excited to see, hug, hold, kiss this little one...not too much longer!
Love to you all!
Hmmm...what shall I talk about this time. Well I will tell you that having a baby whose head is down is MUCH different than carrying a baby breech position. I had a friend that was pregnant when I was the first time around and I will tell you that I know she must have cursed me repeatedly. I was so energetic and happy, I seriously did not change one single thing in my life until they put me on bed rest. I never felt the baby's head pushing so hard on my pubic bones that you swear it is going to just fall out. I never felt like I had to walk with my feet several feet apart or waddle so much that you feel like a brisk wind could knock you right over. I never felt the low back pain. I never felt the baby's head turn from side to side - now that feels a bit gross I will admit! Anyway, she handled all this in stride I must admit, but I never knew what she was going through until now. All you other women that carried your babies full term in proper position, a huge pat on your back. I never realized how much easier it was to carry a breech baby. Now that said, I had to have a c-section because of that and the preeclampsia, but the whole pregnancy thing - yea new ballgame! So I do waddle, I feel like I am carrying a bowling ball between my legs, I feel like I need to strap a catchers mitt to my uh hum and my tailbone at this point could just be removed for all I care! All that said, I am enjoying my pregnancy, I am just marveling at the differences! The other thing I need to be frank about. The pee test. OK so you have to "give a sample" every time you go to the doctor. Give a sample means peeing in a little plastic cup. No trouble at the beginning of pregnancy when you have total knowledge of where everything is placed AND you can see down there to...well, direct if you will. But you see, everything shifts a bit when your pregnant and what was once there is now not or has moved to a new place for all I know, anyway, it's different than it used to be. That and you can't see down there, so inevitably you (you know where I am going) pee on your hand. You can't see to direct, hell you can't see down there when your standing let alone when your sitting. Your once fully filled plastic cup is replaced with a cup that has a trace of liquid and a fully drenched hand. Ok ok, it happens. BUT I will say it makes it a bit harder when you have a very inquisitive toddler in the bathroom too - who looks at your trace of urine and says she wants a drink. You with pee hand and still trying to hover over the toilet because of germs, have to redirect your child verbally, quickly wipe the hand, place the cup high enough so thirsty child does not drink it, put clothes over VERY large belly, flush and try to open the door without using said pee hand, while holding "sample" and placing into proper location for someone to test for sugar and protein levels! Ughhh! So seriously keep this in mind when your at the OBGYN and wash hands with warm water - haha...you never know, the lady before you could have thirsty twins!
What else? The baby LOVES my right side and just likes to bunch all up and hang out over there. It is funny to look at as the left side goes nearly flat and the right is as hard as a rock. It is not as funny to feel, but the baby seems to enjoy it so hey who am I to try to change its mind! Soon we'll know if its a boy or a girl. I have been dreaming these odd dreams and wonder if they are some sort of sign. The first one was me counting 23 blue rubber duckies. That was the whole dream, once I got to 23 I woke up. The other one I have nearly every night. I dream that I am flicking through the calendar and the 23rd of each month is bold. My dreams are always blue, even if it has nothing to do with a baby: blue sidewalks, blue water, blue rooms and floors, just blue. So I keep thinking I am having a boy on the 23rd, I guess we'll all just have to wait and see. I think my Mom for a while was convinced that I knew what we were having and I swear I don't, though I DID try to convince the doctor that it would be our secret if he told me and he wouldn't. Love that guy, he knows deep down I want the surprise. Did I tell you about Dr. Teter, he is awesome! I really trust him and that is a great feeling when it comes to the birth of your child! He and the pediatrician are top notch guys! We're very blessed to have such competent people in our lives!
So I had better get off to bed, sleep is hard to come by these days as it is becoming more and more difficult to find a comfortable position. I know I sound like I am complaining and maybe I am a wee bit, but I LOVE being pregnant. I LOVE my wonderful husband and gorgeous daughter and I LOVE my little melon too! I am getting so excited to see, hug, hold, kiss this little one...not too much longer!
Love to you all!
PS - leave a comment. Mom you can just leave an anonymous comment and sign it Mom if you want. You don't need to sign up or anything. :) Thought that might help ya!
you are a gorgeous momma!!!! Hang in there and give that vivi a kiss for me! Do you have her "i'm a big sister" t-shirt ready?
love to you (ALL)!!!
Well, it was good to read your blog and know it's not too much further. I'm getting so excited and I do think it has to come on 18th or 23rd. To keep it in line with youngest to oldest it would have to be the 18th which would be this Friday. YIKES! LOL Much love to all of you. Love Mom
Look at that beautiful Mama! And you don't even look pregnant from behind. You look great, and I cannot wait to meet the new addition!
Oh Yep, I think you might be pregnant now - I detect a rather large beautifyl bump. The way Vivians mind is working she might just be in on the birth as she likes to be in the midst of things , just like her Daddy when he was little!
Keep hanging in there - the 23rd would be ideal please.
Love you and we can't wait to see you all next week. Love Mum x
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