Vivian's first trip to the dentist - she said "When do we get to come back?"

Our trip to see Great Grandma Pauline - You can tell someone LOVES his Great G'ma!

Vivian's Christmas Program at her School - they all did a wonderful job!

Our trip to see Great Grandma Pauline - You can tell someone LOVES his Great G'ma!

Vivian's Christmas Program at her School - they all did a wonderful job!
Logan got to meet Mrs. Claus - he wanted nothing to do with Santa!
As the end of the year approaches and all the hope that Christmas promises, we have to make time to be thankful for all our many blessings this year. What a wonderful year we have had and oh how busy we have been. We are leaving shortly - 2 hours for Florida (in a Ford Focus). Oh yes, we are driving. Now we are hoping that leaving at night makes it easier for the children at least that is the goal - if it is not - we're just all going to be miserable! We did buy a DVD player to occupy the children. When I was a kid I remember playing all sorts of silly games to keep us occupied and well mostly I slept...curious! Well now kids have it made - maybe that is why people aren't as creative as they used to be - we're all plugged in couch potatoes that can't stand silence. I suppose I should speak for myself. I play the TV nearly all day - not for the children but for myself. I get lonely, I can't stand the silence and I just need some noise. We also play the radio a lot which ALWAYS ends in a dance session. We move the table out of the kitchen and then we have the whole room and Vivian has noticed that at night time she can see her reflection on the sliding glass door - something I used to do to practice my ballet ALL the time. One of Logan's first words was dance and he is quite good for such a little guy. Vivian puts on shows for me and wears all kinds of costumes - sometimes we have to do quick changes in the middle of a show - it cracks me up. I always wondered how I just grew to love dance so much, but after watching my children I now believe you are just born with.
We have been so busy with trips this year: Annapolis - MD, Chicago - IL, Palm Coast - FL, Rockport - IN, Grafton - OH, Scotland - UK, and I feel like I am forgetting a dozen more trips. We've had loads of people visit which is always so exciting. Funny how sometimes you think life gets boring and then you review your year and think how did we pack all that in a year? I am hopeful to having another year packed full of fun - my kids sure make my life a joy and my husband keeps me laughing. I am so blessed and I wish you all a blessed New Year!
Merry Christmas!