Yes, I said it. Hair, Boobs and Skin Oh My. Seriously, why doesn't anyone tell you about the "side effects" of breastfeeding. Don't get me wrong it is still a WONDERFUL experience, but it would have been nice to know that my hair would begin to fall out, break and go REALLY grey because of it. Also, uhhhh the girls are going through a lot these days - I mean stretched, pulled, punched, compressed and the breastfeed smell. Those mommies that have experienced it know what I mean - it is the sort of off milk smell with sweat combined. I guess it is hormonal, but geez, I already feel like the girls are not part of my female body anymore and now the smell makes me wish at times they were not! The skin problems are crazy. Combination skin my behind - this is like freeze dried in some areas and pools of olive oil in others. AND I even have the dreaded eyebrow zit that will NOT go away. Like a volcano hiding, just waiting for the right moment to explode - bubbling over. YUCK!

The kids posing!

Fraser racing and winning a mountain bike race. Unreal and not really very good for my mental health...haha. I mean here I am with puke on my shoulder day in and out and here he is no training and wins this race. My fat is sagging and hanging from places it really should not and here comes Mr. Fit with his rock hard legs and bottom (oh yea I can say butt here). Anyway, I really am quite proud of my hubby. It does does make me ever so slightly sick that he's so perfectly in shape and my body looks like it has been food processed. Well enough drama I suppose...later friends!